I just finished a Make-It-Idaho training and came home with Edison robots. They are an easily programmable robot that seems engaging for many ages. To setup a Makerspace for these some leg work needed done. 1st I went
HERE and downloaded the books and printed out 4 hardcopies which I spiral bound and laminated a cover and back.
2nd I made sure each robot had batteries and put together a checkout STEM bag so after we held the activity patrons can check out 1 bag with two robots, instructions, and programming books. Our books and robots fit perfectly!!!
The other two robots we will keep at the library for STEALTH programming.
3rd I went to the Edison robot's website and downloaded
this EdMat onto a jump drive to take to my local Staples store. I had an A1 sized black and white printed for $4.00. I will have a better colored polyvinyl poster mat printed for about $20 later to keep for our Makerspace. I will print 3 more black and white papers for our introduction activity. Each robot will then have its own mat while we are learning about it.
4th I found some ready and willing volunteers to test out the robots and the mat. After the testing, I learned I need to find some used remotes people are willing to donate to go with the STEM kit. I probably will add 3d printed
motorcycle flashlights in the kit with some LED's and button batteries.
A couple more little errands (cataloging, gathering remotes, printing 4 more EdMats and LED flashlights) and our Makerspace Edison Robot section will be ready to go as well as our outreach Edison Robot Checkout STEM bag!!!